Lately, it feels like we were just getting a toehold and were starting to dig ourselves out of this deep dark hole known as COVID19, only to have the earth shift and crumble beneath us. Nobody can say for sure where we go from here and it seems that the one thing we can be sure of, is that this pandemic is far from over.

In stressful times, not everyone has a place or an activity or even a safe mental balance to help them through the darkness. And when under stress, how do we keep ourselves together and moving forward?

For me, I think the last few weeks have been harder than the isolation of lockdown. Even though Iโ€™ve had somewhere to go, things to do to occupy my hands and mind, Iโ€™ve been wandering around in a fog. Creating, but not feeling especially present in my work.

Iโ€™d come to the conclusion that it was and is my art that would get me through. That by creating I was expressing and letting go of all the unnecessary stuff. Itโ€™s only been in the last few days that Iโ€™ve realised Iโ€™ve been moving around like a zombie. There is nothing wrong with the material Iโ€™ve been producing and donโ€™t get me wrong, it has helped. But Iโ€™ve still been walking dangerously close to the cliff edge.

It was only when I sat down to try and write this piece that I realised, Iโ€™d forgotten about my writing.

I realised that my painting or sculpting feed one part of me, but itโ€™s through words that I can truly unscramble and reshuffle. That I can untangle the myriad of thoughts, feelings and ideas and make sense of them. And itโ€™s only once all this is done, that I can give myself fully to my art.

If you can relate to any of this, I strongly suggest that you try sitting down and writing out how you feel. Donโ€™t worry about it being grammatically correct. Donโ€™t worry if at first it doesnโ€™t make sense. Just write, down allow your hand to stop moving. Just set a certain amount of time, say ten minutes, and simply write. Youโ€™ll be surprised what you learn about yourself. You might even come up with some new creative project you hadnโ€™t thought of before. Or even work out a solution to an artistic block.

Donโ€™t forget your friends. Itโ€™s so important that we be there for one another. I really hope that this post has helped in some way to get you back on track after being lost for too long. I know itโ€™s brought me home to myself, more than anything else Iโ€™ve done in a while.

Stay safe. Stay happy and keep creating in what ever form you choose.

โ€“ Sam Ogilvie

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