Madame Werewolf’s Halloween Spooktacular 2023

This year we hosted a Halloween spooktacular to coincide with our regular Tuesday afternoon kids’ art classes.ย  Hosted by the indominable Madame Werewolf and her trusty assistant Pumpkin Head and a few other skeletons and witches that emerged from the shadows for the party!

Art Mania Studio’s haunted crew ready for Halloween 2023



A hoard of little monsters arrived at dusk, and we immediately shook the spiders off of them in a theatrical game of freeze. The children jiggled to the likes of the monster mash, thriller and ghostbusters before becoming stone cold statues when the music stopped. The very best statues received a treat!

Next order of business of course was to remove any bad and sour juju from the studio, so a potion was boiled and toiled in our tin cauldron with help from all the little monsters. Lots of laughs were soon silenced by gasps of disgust and “BleRgHH” as the potion included nose-insulting items like the blended lung of a Viking, flies and maggots, cockroach juice, werewolf shedding, dog vomit, liposuction leftovers and not one but two tarantulas.

Despite the vile mixture almost scaring away the supervising parents, it was a success and when combined with the magical anti bad-juju chant; we can confirm that all negative juju was removed from the premises.

Next, it was time to haunt some houses! Not with our disembodied spirits of course… but with art! With our tricky technique, the monsters were able to let their spooky creativity loose designing their own haunted homes; we saw ghosts flying round, front lawns adorned with headstones, huge spiders invading from above and a few zombie tenants!


After the houses were good and haunted, it was time to invite the real-world mummies and daddies to transform into after-world mummies! We used our post-covid toilet paper supply to see which team of monsters could best preserve their mummy as we raced against the clock to wrap them up!

We also decorated our own trick or treat bags because up next was… Wallsend’s trickiest and treatiest Halloween hunt EVER!

Clues and riddles saw monsters creeping and crawling not only throughout our studios but right down Council Street and into the bushes, past the dentist (who specialises in vampire fangs, of course) until they were spun right around down at Hiss and Cracke record shop.

As the witching hour neared closer, it was time to draw the unLUCKY door prize: goody bags and DEADDY BEARS (who come in their own body bag with personalised autopsy!).

Thank you to all the little monsters who were wonderful house haunters, treat seekers and potion makers on the night! May your fangs stay sharp, and your skin remain a light tinge of green until we see you again!

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