Welcome to our second staff spotlight! I’ve decided to get the hardest one out of the way. You may think it’s easy to write about yourself, but I find any kind of bio really hard. Part of me also finds this a little self indulgent- after all, I’m writing about myself every time I sit down to write a new post.
How did you come to be at Art Mania Studios?
Sam: “I chose to take my first class here because Art Mania had the word ‘inclusive’ on their website. I came looking for a pottery class to get me out of the house and found a family. An incredible group of people who support and encourage me.”
Samantha Ogilvie has only come to take her art seriously in the last two years. The main reason for this change, is Art Mania. Sam’s background is in writing and her role at Art Mania is to write the weekly blog posts. She has had both poems and a few short stories published in various literary journals. She has also worked in community education for Guide Dogs NSW and ACT, giving talks to schools, clubs and training bus and taxi drivers and other community services.
How do you see yourself fitting in to Art Mania’s vision?
Sam: “I see Art Mania as a place for anyone, no matter their level of ability. Students of all ages and abilities can come together and support and inspire one another.”
When not writing or creating art, Sam likes to read, go to the movies and work in the garden.
Sam: “Art Mania is one of those places that have that little bit of magic about it. A place to call home.”

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