Music & people flourish at Art Mania

Music creates special moments

Sometimes there are golden moments in the Art Mania Studio. Impromptu, out of nowhere, perfect moments that tell us that we are on to something really special.

At work if you can’t find Gino Palmieri teaching one of his painting and drawing classes, you’ll often find him strumming on a guitar with one of our NDIS participants singing along.

Recently a golden moment was recorded in studio 2 when he and participant and artist Jessica performed a rendition of “Mad World.”

Gino and Jess making music.
Gino & Jess making music.

Jess lives with disabilities and at times finds communication challenging. But in this moment, she sang freely and confidently. We’ll never forget it.

It got us talking in the studio about stories we’d heard of singers overcoming their disabilities to perform on stage. And the recently documented moment where Lewis Capaldi was overwhelmed by Tourette’s symptoms on stage in Glastonbury and the crowd sang his lyrics for him in a wave of support.

Music benefits all areas of health and wellbeing

Countless studies have recorded the benefits of music for people living with disabilities. Music has been found to improve behaviours and emotions and has proven to be an effective treatment for neurological ailments, including brain injuries, seizures, epilepsy, Alzheimer’s and tension headaches. There are many famous musicians who’ve found fame while living with a disability, such Billie Eilish with Tourette’s syndrome, Lady Gaga with fibromyalgia, Adam Levine with ADHD and Jewel with dyslexia.

Perhaps these artists were drawn to music in the first place for its beneficial qualities?

When people living with disabilities engage with music, they can reap the following benefits:

  • Stimulated learning- repetition & memorisation are improved with the rhythm of music aiding in the ability to recall
  • Help with focus
  • Calmed anxieties and relaxation for those experiencing stress or over-stimulation
  • Energy and motivation
  • Aid in communication by stimulating and encouraging a person’s speech as well as creating a path for nonverbal forms of communication
  • Improving a person’s physical skills
  • Assistance with pain management
  • Offering opportunities for social interaction
  • Emotional expression
  • A sense of satisfaction and strengthened self-esteem


Music transcends cultures, can be personalised to the individual and is inclusive.


Music is now a class at Art Mania!

With all these positives, of course we had to respond. Gino Palmieri has created our first ever Art Mania Studio group music class, designed specifically for NDIS participants!

Music Mania with Gino will include musical warm-up activities, exploration of popular culture music, percussion instrument experimentation, song writing, rhythm practice, group performances and more!

Places in this new class are limited, so to book your place please contact our NDIS team at the studio on 49 55 05 09 or email us on hello(at)

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