Winter Solstice

We had a wonderful time hosting a Winter Solstice event at Art Mania last month!

It was a casual affair, with a pot luck/bring a meal theme. Thanks to some generous cooks, the smells of lamb stew, chicken curry, lasagne and pasta bake wafted through the studio and enticed us to the table. We had something for everyone- vegans and vegetarians included!

We made lanterns to use in a ceremony later on in the evening, had an art raffle with our artists contributing their artworks, and joined in a sing-a-long led by Bek and Gino on the guitar, serenading us with a variety of Queen, Joni Mitchell and 90s hits.

As the afternoon faded into evening, Jade had us light our lanterns and led us in a small ceremony, welcoming the light as we move towards the warmer seasons. An impromptu dance party and lots of laughter made for a great night of warmth and camaraderie.

As we move from the darker months into the light, it’s a good time to reflect on what to leave behind.

What do you need to release in your life?

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