The Two Jimmys

When I started taking classes in pottery last year, I began to hand build creatures out of clay. They were initially creatures from my head. Mythical creatures that live in dreams and fantasy stories. One day, I was beginning what I expected to be another mythical creature. This piece of clay had other ideas, I […]


Jharna started at Art Mania in the mosaics class last year. She wanted to volunteer at the studio and from this, gain a job. Her role is floor manager and as of last week, teacher’s assistant for the Wednesday morning mosaics class. You may not realise it, but you have probably met Jharna as she […]

Motivation tips for Winter

As we enter winter, it has to be acknowledged that with the cold seeping in, our motivation seeps out. I am the first to admit that I would much rather spend the winter months in my bed, with the heating on and several really good books. I thought I’d investigate whether there is any advice […]


Kim joined the Art Mania staff last year. She teachs our kids classes, including pottery for kids and teens. How did you come to be at Art Mania Studios? Kim “I first joined by taking a pottery class on a Saturday afternoon, and it all started from there.” Kim is one of the bright flames […]

Hebel: look what we made!

I am extremely pleased to tell you all that, yes, the hebel carving workshop did happen this past Saturday. Even better, my unfinished piece from two years ago was found, supporting one of Fee’s plants in the back garden. I have to admit, there was dancing and I had a lot of trouble sleeping Friday […]

Staff Spotlight: Ashlee

MEET OUR ART MANIA FAMILY: ASHLEE We decided it was past time to introduce our staff to you all. Many you may know, but there are several others, quietly working behind the scenes that are crucial to keeping Art Mania on track and able to run all the fantastic classes, workshops and taster days. So […]


Wow! Can you believe it? We’re almost at the end of term one. It feels like we only started the year a week or so ago. The good thing about end of term though, is we all get to check out next term’s classes and workshops and decide which ones we’d like to attend. Before […]

Sea, Space and Beyond

If you find yourself with time on your hands this month, go check out an art exhibition at Newcastle museum. I’m not suggesting this because I have work in this exhibition. I suggest it because it’s not your typical art exhibition. This show is the collaboration of The Newcastle City Council and Vision Australia. The […]

International Women’s Day

Today is International Women’s day. The day to celebrate all women and our successes, achievements, our lives. It seems very timely to me, that the opening of my first major art exhibition has fallen just before International women’s day. I know I wouldn’t have got where I am if it weren’t for the women in […]

How journaling made me organised

When I was a child and couldn’t find my shoes or some other possession, mum would tell me that she would not always be around to find things for me. That as a person who is blind, it was even more important that I was organised and put my things away where they belong. Every […]