What makes Art Maniaโ€™s open nights so important?

Art Mania holds four open nights each year. They are held toward the end of each school term. They give you a chance to check-out the studio, meet the staff and other students over a glass of wine. A chance to ask all those questions you have always been curious to find the answers to about the world of art and its creation. Have you been longing to one day take a pottery class or learn how to make wind chimes, take that painting class, but always thought it wasnโ€™t possible because you arenโ€™t creative enough. Or you just donโ€™t have the time. Well, come along to the open night and talk to people who can help you make your wishes come true.

You will see demonstrations of the various block and weekly classes Art Mania offers. Talk to the staff who will teach these classes and find out just how the classes work and how pieces are created. Talk to other students of Art Mania who have taken that step you long to take. If you do, you will learn that you wonโ€™t be alone with your fear of failure. That art Mania is a place where you will be welcomed, guided and supported through your chosen workshop or weekly class. Not only from Art Maniaโ€™s teacherโ€™s and fellow students bouncing ideas off one another and sharing their own experience but by letting your creative mind relax and leave your worries at the door. The joy and welbing you will gain by joining the Art Mania family both for yourself and the sense of achievement you will gain. A ย few hours of art a week is enough to keep your mind health, After all, your mind is just as important as your ย physical fitness.

Every open night gives you the opportunity to see what workshops will be offered in the term ahead. This could be in a medium new to the studio. Or it could be specialising in a particular area of an art form, like mosaicking with crockery, or cutting glass and shaping it to make wind chimes. You can even learn how to paint with powdered glass. You will be able to find out just what is coming up.

If you are a new student you get to see the classes the studio offers. The range and see the skills you will learn to complete your piece or pieces. If you are a returning student, you have the chance to find out what new workshops you can take. And believe me, the only thing you will have to worry about is what class will you do first. Or how you will fit everything you want to try into your week. Art can be very addictive. The pleasure of working with your hands feeling and /or seeing the work taking shape and form. Giving into the pleasure of the moment and knowing you are completely focused in the present.

So donโ€™t put it off. Go onto the Art Mania website and browse what is coming up next at the studio. And book yourself into the open night and see what we do here at Art Mania. Everyone is welcome, be they old or young, Male or female. Inclusion is an important element of the Art Mania philosophy. So come in, we canโ€™t wait to meet you and welcome you into the Art Mania family.

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